Our Qualifications

At Trugman Valuation, we more than understand value— we’ve written the book on it. With almost four decades of extensive experience in, both, business valuation and economic damages, we are recognized nationally as leading authorities in our field. Our fully accredited principals have been called upon countless times as lecturers, expert witnesses, and advisors to judges, attorneys, CPAs, financial planners, business owners and other individuals. And, yes, Gary Trugman has literally written books on business valuation for the American Institute of CPAs and other publishers. Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical Guide to Valuing Small to Medium Sized Businesses is a best seller among the accounting profession and the fifth edition is now being used in the college market as a textbook.

At Trugman Valuation, business valuation is front and center. A proper valuation requires skill and experience, as well as familiarity with valuation theory, accounting pronouncements, tax laws, and various state laws that vary considerably by jurisdiction. While we are not attorneys, our experience across state lines adds value to having us as a part of a litigation team. Trugman Valuation can also assist in non-litigation assignments, whether it be for a merger, an acquisition, financial reporting, an employee stock ownership plan, or other similar matters.

Our experience at Trugman Valuation provides our clients with the confidence that our business valuations and economic damage analyses are comprehensive and able to withstand intense scrutiny in court and other arenas. In that regard, Trugman Valuation’ reports attempt to be bulletproof.

Our Principals are “Qualified” Appraisers, as defined under the Pension Protection Act of 2006 and the applicable treasury regulations. This means that you do not have to worry about our qualifications to perform business valuations for tax-related assignments. The Internal Revenue Service will accept our qualifications.

Trugman Valuation offers different levels of valuation services from our basic C.Y.A. (cover your assets) opinion letter, to a calculation of value, to our detailed valuation report suitable for litigation and estate and gift tax assignments.

We provide full litigation support services that include expert testimony, reviews and critiques of other expert’s reports, preparation of direct and cross examination questions, and the preparation of visual aids for use at trial. In other words, when you fight in court, we are in your corner.

At Trugman Valuation, we stay current on the latest changes in the law, accounting pronouncements and valuation theory and hire only the best to work on our team. With Trugman Valuation, you get more than a report. You get a partner.

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